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Have You Heard About The Concert #Confettibomb?

Posted by Genesis Samson on 10/22/14

Beebs & Flutter FETTIThere are countless examples of great partnerships out there:  Batman & Robin, Bonnie & Clyde, Ying & Yang.  Yet none has been as colorful, dramatic and awe-inspiring as this latest duo:  Flutter FETTI & Beebs And Her Moneymakers!

Better than Peanut Butter & Jelly?  We certainly think so!  This summer Beebs And Her Moneymakers jammed out at the Vans Warped Tour and rocked the house day after day.  Fans absolutely loved them, but what was the secret behind their concert success?  Was it their wacky outfits, catchy songs, or awesome performances that caught all the attention?  Surely that was part of it, but the truth of the matter was that Michelle Beebs and her band were doing something even more awesome:  they were using the #confettibomb!

What is #confettibomb?  And how does Flutter FETTI’s amazing Ronee Holmes fit into the picture?  To find out all the answers, download our FREE story about how Flutter FETTI & Beebs And Her Moneymakers Team Up To Spread ‘Flutterly Love’!

In our story you’ll discover:

  • The most colorful story you’ll read all year!
  • A ton of inspiration for your own incredible events!
  • The answer to the biggest mystery of all:  the #confettibomb!!

Click here to download our FREE story >>