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Awards Ceremony

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Awards Ceremony Confetti

Our Awards Ceremony Confetti Decorations Make It So That Even Those Not Receiving Awards Are Involved and Excited!

Don't let your award ceremonies become subdued, quiet, and maybe a little boring; fire off some Flutter FETTI® throwing confetti in bulk to liven things up! Every year, Flutter FETTI® is used at a National Awards Ceremony for Junior High School Science Students. Small bursts of confetti are shot off to announce each prize and to keep the kids on their toes. Later, huge blasts of throwing confetti bulk streamers usher in the party and tell the students it's time for them to celebrate all of their hard work. Even after the streamers are on the ground, the kids dance with it, dress each other with it, and just have fun with it. Flutter FETTI® awards ceremony confetti decorations really make the party!

Of course, Flutter FETTI® confetti decorations are for awards ceremonies of all kinds and for celebrants of all ages. Everyone feels special being decorated with confetti. Pay tribute to your guests of honor by marking their awards as something special. From elegant to outrageous, Flutter FETTI® has the throwing confetti or bulk streamer products to match the tone of the awards ceremony and make the night unforgettable!

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